Thursday, June 30, 2011
Good Preforming Electric Guitar and amp?
and really enjoy it, I would like to join my friends band (I have been
playing around with some of his electrics) but his Gibson cost over
1200 which is WAY to expensive for me, my budget for a guitar is about
600 I can use one of his amps for now but anyways can I get a decent
Electric guitar to preform with for that much?
Does Any One Know This Music Video?
the artist. All I remember is in the music video it starts with a
naked couple waking up and as the video progresses they find bits and
pieces of their clothing and put it on. In the end they end up in a
music store and the girl finds her shoes, then they turn around and
walk away.
where can i get the X-ray dog discography for free?
downlod, for free, without signing up, or putting my credit card
number in, or downloading song by song. I will accept disk by disc
though? if possible from it would be much appreciated.
Bucky Larson Born to Be a Star Watch Trailer [HD]
Bucky Larson Born to Be a Star Watch Trailer [HD] [2] Bucky Larson Born to Be a Star Watch Trailer [HD] From:
nnn123456799 [3] Views:
0 0
10:36 More in
Film Animation [4]
afscheidconcert Treble (railer)
afscheidconcert Treble (railer) [2]
Trailer form the upcomming concert from treble From:
headbangertjuh1 [3] Views:
0 0
01:08 More in
Music [4]
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What do you think of this rap?
so i don't give a f***
as long as i'm gettin my d*** sucked
get it hard to the core, i got that vintage s***
keepin it real 100 percent
till the death of me
i'll achieve my dreams
and put my belief in success sex and relief
Whats your favorite Eddie Van Halen?
1.the late 70's/80 's feminine looking version
2. the early 90's fat, jocky looking version
3.late 90's early 2000's drug addict/alcoholic hobo looking version
4. 2007 -present army vet/ hobo out of rehab version
Tips for my first Warped (Noblesville)?
if anyone has tips, please share!
Joe Jonas See No More Video Trailer HD
Joe Jonas See No More Video Trailer HD [2]
fabn6800 [3] Views:
2 0
00:20 More in
People Blogs [4]
BIANCANEVE NELLA FORESTA NERA (1997) Con Sigourney Weaver - Trailer Cinematografico
BIANCANEVE NELLA FORESTA NERA (1997) Con Sigourney Weaver - Trailer
Cinematografico [2]
Trailer del film "Biancaneve nella foresta nera" (1996) con Sigourney
Weaver, Sam Neill, Gil Bellows, Monica Keena Ai margini di un bosco
primordiale un branco di lupi assale una carrozza, facendola
capovolgere: i cavalli vengono divorati dai lupi e una donna incinta
resta infilzata da un pezzo staccatosi dalla carrozza. Morendo, la
donna supplica il marito Frederick di estrarre il bambino dal suo
grembo. Chiedendo perdono a Dio l'uomo ubbiddisce alla moglie, nasce
survive the onslaught in bound disaster with the Autobots, what would
you sacrifice ultimately to make that happen? (In less than 20 words)
Dexter Season 5 Episode 3 Practically Perfect
Dexter Season 5 Episode 3 Practically Perfect [2]
watch Dexter streaming all the episodes are avaiable .Dexter is an
American television drama series that centers on Dexter Morgan
(Michael C. Hall), a bloodstain pattern analyst for the Miami Metro
Police trailer promo new season part1 Season episodes tv se3 HQ
series watch online complete full length hd part 1 part1 From:
gilmanWeinel [3] Views:
0 0
07:16 More in
Music [4]
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ncis Season 7, Episode 20 - Moonlighting HD
Ncis Season 7, Episode 20 - Moonlighting HD [2]
HD quality!!! Watch now all new episodes! Dear user, You are kindly
asked to watch Ncis on our blog free of charge all Episodes ep tvshow
tv show trailer new finale 2011 preview part 1 free streaming play.
NCIS, formerly known as NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service,
is an American police procedural drama television series revolving
around a fictional team of special agents from the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service, which conducts criminal investigations
involving the US Navy and Marine Corps. Cast: Special Agent Jethro
Gibbs, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, Abby Sciuto, Dr. Donald
Mallard, Special Agent Timothy McGee, Ziva David , Jimmy Palmer.
Anthony DiNozzo Episode Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Episode Special
Agent Timothy McGee Jimmy Palmer Season 1 Episode online 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 From:
rochellebrumby [3] Views:
0 0
06:43 More in
Music [4]
Kayak Europa Teaser Trailer
Kayak Europa Teaser Trailer [2]
intotheoutside paddling crews adventure to the European Alps Summer
2011., music by dj fresh - gold dust
(flux pavilion remix) From:
intotheoutside1 [3] Views:
1 0
01:01 More in
Sports [4]
lyrics for a tattoooo?
maybe from bands like bmth, blink 182, bowling for soup anything
i need a good rap battle?
really funny, his name is dean, his fat, and has curly hair i just
need somethin really funny. yea thanks alot!
Monday, June 27, 2011
what are some good screamo or metal bands?
disturbed,marilyn manson
fivefinger death punch i have all that i mention on my ipod.
i know they r two different genres.i can't like a variety of
music?damn it's not like i love justin bieber or something.(that's my
lil sis)
Please rate these movies on a scale of 1-10?
*The Cube 2
*Wrong Turn 2
*Hell Raiser: Inferno
*The Exorcist
*The Ring
*Shutter Island
Footloose (Official Trailer) In Theaters October 14, 2011
Footloose (Official Trailer) In Theaters October 14, 2011 [2]
Original Movie Trailer "Footloose" in Theaters October 14, 2011.
Movie info: Cast: Kenny Wormald (Ren) Julianne Hough
(Ariel) Andie MacDowell (Vi Moore) Dennis Quaid (Reverend Moore)
Miles Teller (Willard) Synopsis: Writer/Director Craig Brewer (Hustle
Flow) delivers a new take of the beloved 1984 classic film. Ren
MacCormack (Kenny Wormald) is transplanted from Boston to the small
southern town of Bomont where he experiences a heavy dose of culture
shock. A few years prior, the community was rocked by a tragic
accident that killed five teenagers after a night out and Bomont's
local councilmen and the beloved Reverend Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid)
responded by implementing ordinances that prohibit loud music and
dancing. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban,
revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister's
troubled daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough) in the process. ---
Paramount Rated: Unrated Genre: Drama, Musical Performing Theater
Release: October 14, 2011 From:
Over100KperMonth [3] Views:
0 0
01:01 More in
Entertainment [4]
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Stunt ideas for new group ?
a good name suggestion would be great thanks easy ten points
Trying to find an old country song about a dying farmer apologizing to his wife for their hard life.?
when he is dying. She says she loved him and that it did not matter.
Opinion on my first piano piece?
Just turned seventeen, I was sixteen when I wrote my first piano
composition. I would love some feedback now that I have it on youtube
Need some new music for my mp3 player, can you recommend any good songs/artists?
and movie soundtracks, but I can listen to (almost) anything...any
recommendations for "new" music?
Need a difficult-ish song to learn on the drums?
and I'm unsure what song I should play on the drums. I can only play a
handful of songs but they're relatively easy and I want to try
something harder. I've got a whole week and a bit to learn a song.
I've got a standard 5-piece drumset. Ten points awarded to best
answer, thanks in advance!
ウォーク・ザ・ライン/君につづく道 予告編 -Walk The Line-
�������kdeOS �J� -Walk The Line- [2]
2006/2/18 opening in japan �,Hl�J�official trailer in japan From:
tyoppi2009 [3] Views:
0 0
02:14 More in
Film Animation [4]
Is the movie Player's Club w' Ice Cube supposed to take place in Atlanta?
"Southern Tech College". 2) Dollar Bill owes money to a guy named St.
Louis ( a gangster who "runs" the south). 3) There are no beaches or
mountains. I am sure it was filmed somewhere else but I wonder if the
story is supposed to take place in Atlanta. Peace.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Is it true that All Time Low insulted Black Veil Brides?
insulted BVB. The thing is, I LOVE All Time Low Black Veil Brides..
soooo. yeah. If you have any proof if ATL insulted BVB, send me a
link, please? Thanks! c':
whats the name of this older movie?
the name nor does anyone else know what im talking about. the movie
has 2 guys in it who get dropped off in a town and its abandoned. at
nite time shadow demons come out and take people. they try to run
from them but 1 of the guys ends up hurting his ankle so he gets
caught. theres a devil in the movie who presses his hand print on his
victims and burns his mark into there chest. really thats all i
remember but if anyone has a answer please let me know. the movies
from the 90s maybe late 80s. thanks in advance to anyone who has a
answer for my lack of details lol..
Friday, June 24, 2011
In the series, Man vs. Food, does Adam Richman go to Clearfield, PA?
sworn that Man vs. Food went to Clearfield, PA to Denny's Pub to try
the huge hamburger challenge. I've seen other videos where Adam went
to Detroit but that's not what I'm looking for. Does anyone remember
seeing that on Man vs. Food or am I getting confused with another
Travel Channel television show?
Getting signed to a record label?
saying they want u to audition and u get signed on the spot. What will
happen next? Will i have to move to what ever country/state the
label's located? Please tell me i want to know EVERYTHING!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
About Scream 5 (and 6?) ?
Or is the trilogy done for now? If it is definitely continuing is
there any talk saying if the original trio, Gale,Dewey and Sid are
gonna be the main characters again? I really hope so. I do not like it
when creators extend on a movie with different characters. Every one
keeps saying there tired of the same trio but to me its like, DUH
because this whole thing revolves around them. It would make no sense
to have some one else take over the spot of sid (like kirby) because
the whole movie started because of Sids mom and all that jazz. Why
mess up that great thing? I mean, if there gonna make more i think Sid
should deff die (not Gale and Dew though) because it started with her
and i think it needs to end with her. Plus, after all the attacks shes
been through, its not like shes super human..eventually some one needs
to get her. How can she manage to escape all the killers in all of the
movies and not die. Does not sound realistic to me. Dont get me wrong
i love Sid to death but i mean this whole things about her so it
should end with her being the big talk. I think Dew and Gale should
survive and live happily. (: lol i love those two together. Sids death
should not be just some plain old stab in the stomach and BOOM shes
dead. It should be epic, crazy, unexpected, YEP. Hahaha. Tell me
your thoughts please!!
Rachael and Matthew 12 30 09 Trailer on Vimeo
Rachael and Matthew 12 30 09 Trailer on Vimeo [2]
rrradcliff [3] Views:
0 0
00:42 More in
Music [4]
How can I start making and producing dubstep?
bouncing around in my head. Only problem is im not sure where to
start. If anyone can help me on this i would be extremely thankful.
Why do record companies always delay albums coming out?
company is always having trouble releasing it. Why is this? Surely it
can't be hard to put out a finished album, can it??
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Spring Up Harmony - gameplay trailer [PC, Xbox 360]
Spring Up Harmony - gameplay trailer [PC, Xbox 360] [2]
Subscribe for HD Trailers, Let's Plays (look
for that *awesome face* at the bottom right), Highlights, and No
Commentary Playthroughs. - Email Subscription:
Twitter: Facebook: - This is a list of
characters from the television series Weeds. Nancy Botwin Scottson
Reyes, n
Can anyone name this movie?
the life of me!
It's an Australian film, about a group of pregnant women, who are
kidnapped, and had their babies cut of out them. Each woman has a
coloured key implanted inside of them, which correspnds to which baby
is theirs. The story is a fight for survival, and a 'last one
standing', has their baby given to a family.
The Hills Season 3 Episode 22 When Spencer Finds Out... part1
The Hills Season 3 Episode 22 When Spencer Finds Out... part1 [2]
Watch high resolution, full-length episodes for FREE on our blog! Get
all episodes FREE of charge ep tvshow tv show trailer new finale 2010
preview part1 free streaming play From:
paulinebowlware [3] Views:
0 0
08:21 More in
Music [4]
Luv Ka The End (2011) 720p x264
Subtitles : English
01:43:11 | MKV | 1280x544 | 23.976 fps | AAC Stereo | 48.0 KHz | 706.1
Genre: Comedy
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Who sings a slow gospel song by a black girl where she keeps saying "In your presence"?
remember her saying "In your presence there is honor." I also remember
her saying "In the midst of the storm." " I want to be in your
presence lord". And i know this is not the song:
What is the name of the song and the artist? Thanks in advance.
Disturbia (2007) m576p Bluray
Matroska | 1.550 GiB | 1024x560 | AVC @ 1 800 Kbps | English | Spanish
| AC3 @ 320 Kbps - 2 channels | 1h 44mn
_Genre: Drama | Thriller_
*IMDB Info* [1] Afterhis father is killed in a car accident, things
unravel for Kale Brechtand he is placed under house-arrest for
punching his Spanish teacher.Having nothing better to do, Kale
occupies himself by spying on hisneighbors. But one night, he
witnesses what appears to be a murder goingon in Mr. Turner s house.
Kale becomes obsessed with uncovering thetruth behind these murders
but, after a few unsettling run-ins with Mr.Turner, it becomes a
matter of life and death. And the ominous question:Who is watching who
Family Guy Season 5 Episode 11 The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou part1 511
Family Guy Season 5 Episode 11 The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou
part1 511 [2]
You can watch Your favorite TV series Family Guy on our blog free of
charge all episodes ep tvshow tv show trailer new finale 2010 preview
part1 free streaming online From:
mahmoudorra [3] Views:
0 0
08:36 More in
Music [4]
Merlin Season 3 Episode 5 The Crystal Cave 3x5 part2
Merlin Season 3 Episode 5 The Crystal Cave 3x5 part2 [2]
You can watch Merlin online all the episodes are avaliable .The
spellbinding family drama series Merlin trailer promo new season part
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hd part 1 part1 BBC From:
mladengolubic [3] Views:
0 0
06:54 More in
Music [4]
The Smurfs - Official Trailer 3 [HD] [ NEW ]
The Smurfs - Official Trailer 3 [HD] [ NEW ] [2]
watch full scene @ 101movies.netl The Smurfs - Official Trailer 3
[HD] Subscribe | Facebook | Twitter Release Date 29
July 2011 Genre: Animation | Family Cast: Neil Patrick Harris, Katy
Perry, Anton Yelchin, Jonathan Winters, Sof?a Vergara Director: Raja
Gosnell Writer:... From:
DarnelliCaru [3] Views:
0 0
02:16 More in
Film Animation [4]
Monday, June 20, 2011
Where are "THE VOICE" Auditions?
luck on google :(
How I Met Your Mother Season 3 Episode 8 Spoiler Alert Watch Full Online
How I Met Your Mother Season 3 Episode 8 Spoiler Alert Watch Full
Online [2] Watch ONLINE your favourite TV-series for FREE!!! How I
Met Your Mother is an American sitcom that premiered on CBS on
September 19, 2005, created by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays.As a
framing device, the main character, Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor), with
narration by Bob Saget, in the year 2030 recounts to his son and
daughter the events that led to his meeting their mother, which
explains the title and allows for a narration in the past tense. All
seasons available / Season 1 / Season 3 Episode 3 / Episode 4 / s3e3
part1 tv HQ s3e4 / s4e1 / s4e5 / s4e7 / s2e100How I Met Your Mother
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Radnor, CBS, Ted Mosby, tv series, Robin Scherbatsky, Season 3,
Season 2, FOX, tvshow, The CW, watch play, watch tv, Season 6, tv
show trailer, Season 1 From:
SargeDurrellm [3] Views:
0 0
04:18 More in
Entertainment [4]
Brink Video Game_ GDC 10- Cinematic Trailer HD - www.MiniGoGames.Com
Brink Video Game_ GDC 10- Cinematic Trailer HD -
www.MiniGoGames.Com [2] - Free Online Games, Flash Games. From:
fansgames88 [3] Views:
0 0
03:08 More in
Gaming [4]
Next LP Trailer
Next LP Trailer [2]
After teasing the fans on Facebook to no ends (God it was satisfying
:D), I finally decided to unveil the next game. Star fox 64 is
personally one of the greatest ever made. It is simple yet addictive
and relies on your presonal skills instead of wasting your time with
silly weapon upgrades and levels. It is also one of the greatest game
to show off XD So, this week: Wednesday, we'll see the second episode
of Let's Score, featuring a NES game in which I suck enemy bullets!
Thursday, the first of six parts of Star Fox 64. Friday, Part 2 of
six. Say it: You're getting impatient :D From:
AnzaVids [3] Views:
4 0
00:30 More in
Entertainment [4]
MAFIA 2 soundtracks.....?
of MAFIA the GAME ....
WRC 2 - Teaser Trailer
WRC 2 - Teaser Trailer [2] From:
oyunhabercisi [3] Views:
0 0
00:45 More in
Gaming [4]
Sunday, June 19, 2011
What did they us for Mosquito Repellent in the movie "The Way Out"?
internet. I am asking about the ring of ??? that every one in Southern
Russia was wearing. It looked like Flaw of something, but the movie
never said.
Sorry, I did not mean to say Flaw, I meant Flax.
Bloodrayne: Betrayal Official Trailer in HD
Bloodrayne: Betrayal Official Trailer in HD [2]
Teasing trailer for Bloodrayne:Betrayal. From:
nopain180 [3] Views:
0 0
01:06 More in
Gaming [4]
Portal 2- Panels Trailer
Portal 2- Panels Trailer [2]
Cave Johnson tells us about the panels in portal :-) From:
GameOzzy [3] Views:
1 0
00:45 More in
Gaming [4]
Is there anywhere i can download the Amityville horror (2005) movie for free?
surveys or having to sign up for anything. iwant to download it and
put it in my itunes library. does any1 have a link to where ican
download it from?
Green Lantern (2011) deutscher Trailer 3
Green Lantern (2011) deutscher Trailer 3 [2]
Green Lantern (2011) deutscher Trailer 3 From:
kinoalf [3] Views:
0 0
02:31 More in
Film Animation [4]
Lyrics for Stonebolt's "Sail On" (Chorus)?
she revealed that she'd never been able to make out one line in "Sail
On." The line in question is the last in the chorus.
"Sail on, girl you're winnin'
Sail on, past the storm on your seas
Sail on, while the night bird is singing
We cranked the volume and repeated the song a few times, but weren't
able to come up with anything definitive. I've done a bit of searching
online, but it seems Stonebolt (and that song in particular) are
unknown enough that finding the lyrics online isn't going to work very
well. Thanks to anyone who can fill in this mystery line!
Here's a link to the video, though I'd rather not have speculative
guesses at what *might* be said; I've been doing that enough on my
own. I'm hoping someone will actually know the line in question.
Medium Difficulty - Classical Music Pieces?
for a guitarist; I've been playing the guitar since September and I
just finished playing Canon (due to my laziness). Anyways, can you
suggest any piece that somehow has the same difficulty as Canon? But,
please, nothing too easy like Minuet in G or Morning of Edvard Grieg.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Just Watched A Scary Movie And I Cant Sleep! HELP! im 13?
the dying and dead bodies did... the scarier part was that its based
on a true story and i cant reaally tell myself that its fake .. i have
no cable or a dvd player in my room (dad didnt pay the bill on time)
:P i hate nightmares!!! please help
Should I buy pawn shop dvds at these prices?
50 cents for older titles usually like The Matrix
2 dollars for newer titles like Sorority Row
4 dollars for kids titles like Underdog
Since they are DVDs from a pawn shop there often in heavily used
condition but sometimes in very good condition.
I could also sell them on eBay, not sure what kind of a profit I would
make though.
Dramatic movie experts?
dramatic..or sad
What are the different parts of music?
explain each part? By part I mean like melody or harmony etc (I've
only really heard of those, and dont really know what they are :). I
want to write my own original music, and I want the genre to be pop,
like similar to maroon 5. What part should I start writing first?Also,
are there things that are usd commonly in pop music? Like I IV V
progression, other things like that that are common in pop music? This
would help me out so much! I'd appreciate it more than you would ever
know, and thanks a bunch for your time!
My guitar sounds flat?
it and It was fine it stayed tuned for a few days I retuned it with my
electric tuner but It sounds sooo bad. It is flat :/ And sounds
diabolical, The tuner says it is in tune and everything but when I
play you can tell its not :/ Any ideas of why this is? And what should
I do? Thanks :)
No its an accoustic guitar :(
watch Mr. Popper's Penguins online : Best site to watch Mr. Popper's Penguins online ?
experts. provide me good streaming links.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I was wondering what this song was called?
song came on it was sung by a guy and it sounded like a song about a
boy who was in a car accident at sixteen I think it part of the lyrics
was like he should have died but he turned his body to the right. I
think. It was an amazing song but I couldn't see the artist because my
computer was being really dumb. So please help.
Du-re Sori Story Trailer(2011.0614)-=?UTF-8?B?6r+I6r647KeA7JWK7Jy866m0?= 예고편
Du-re Sori Story Trailer(2011.0614)-ȸ�J
What film is this? Possibly Bruce Lee?
it's the story about Bruce Lee's life, it shows the films he was in,
how he played Kato in The Green Hornet and the scene where he knocks
out a man in less than 15 seconds, what film is it please? It was
definitely English, and at the end he fought a large statue that
attacked him. I know it begins in China with a ball (prom) and he's in
a suit, then he opens his own Martial Arts place. I've added as much
detail as possible as I really want to watch this again, thanks for
any help :)
Thanks ConFuseed :D
Where can I buy an ocarina? And what ocarina should I buy?
various other songs that I cannot be bothered listing). Yet, I don't
know where to buy one from.
I've found a site called STLOcarina, but the ocarinas are expensive
and the shipping fee is too high ($30?!).
I also need to know which sort of Ocarina to buy - I was thinking a
12-hole tenor one, seeing as that's what the Zelda ocarinas on the
site seem to be.
I live in Australia.
Can someone please help me?
Sanctuary S03E19 "Out of the Blue" song/soundtrack?
is sleeping on the couch. The song is playing on her IPod Speakers.
Does anyone know what this song is?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Doberman Cop (=?UTF-8?B?44OJ44O844OZ44Or44Oe44Oz5YiR5LqLIA==?=D=?UTF-8?B?xY0=?=beruman Deka) (1977) trailer
Doberman Cop (������� DMberuman Deka) (1977) trailer [2]
Directed by Kinji Fukasaku Starring Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba
Description by Michael Den Boer for the site
"Joji Kano (Sonny Chiba) is a small town detective from Okinawa who
has been hired by a woman who wants him to find her daughter Yuna who
disappeared five years ago. When a prostitute's body is burned beyond
recognition in an apparent arson the police links up this body as the
missing girl named Yuna who Jiro has been looking for. Unconvinced
that this is the girl Jiro starts to investigate on his own." One of
my favorite Fukasaku's with him at his most shamelessly pulpy and
featuring an incredibly odd and funny performance by Chiba as a
country bumpkin. Lots of appearances from Fukasaku regulars like
Seizo Fukumoto, Hiroki Matsukata and Takuzo Kawatani. One hell of a
funky theme song too. Based on the comic series of the same name by
Buronson, the creator of The Fist of the North Star. From:
TheElegantDandyFop [3] Views:
3 0
03:16 More in
Film Animation [4]
What's a good song about...........?
Country song about Grandpa?
his grandpa and the stories his grandpa would tell him. I can't even
think of the lyrics! I know it was a singer with a real deep voice...
and it was probably 3 or 4 years ago. Anyone know?
The Big Bang Theory - Season 3, Episode 8 -
The Big Bang Theory - Season 3, Episode 8 - [2] Dear user, You are kindly asked to watch The Big Bang Theory
on our blog free of charge all Episodes ep tvshow tv show trailer new
finale 2010 preview part1 free streaming online The Big Bang Theory
The series Meg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 11 The Big Bang Theory series New
latest A From:
nmhydas [3] Views:
0 0
05:12 More in
Entertainment [4]
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Point Of Regret (2011)-DVDRiP.XViD-FEE
ViDEO.......... XviD 903 kbps
AUDiO...... MP3 128 kbps
RESOLUTiON..... 640x352
FRAME RATE...... 25 kbps
RUN TiME....... 1H34M11S
ASPECT RATiO....... 16/9
RAR SiZE.. 700MB
GENRE.......... Drama [1]
What is the name of that song that goes like "i-i-i-ii-i-i (or iiiiiiiii) need time,"?
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) need timeeeeee." and it was sung by a guy and it was
kinda fast and it was like a technoy-rock maybe? "you kno you kno you
knooooo iiiii i need time (need time)" thats another part of the song
thanks so much! i love this song but cant find who its by!
I got a shirt from the Glee Live concert, and I'm scared it's going to get ruined?
ruined? Its the shirt with the cast on it throwing slushies. I'm
scared the faces will fade. Will the faces fade??? Is there a way I
can wash it so it didn't fade.