Is there any definite answer on if there is gonna be a scream 5 and 6?
Or is the trilogy done for now? If it is definitely continuing is
there any talk saying if the original trio, Gale,Dewey and Sid are
gonna be the main characters again? I really hope so. I do not like it
when creators extend on a movie with different characters. Every one
keeps saying there tired of the same trio but to me its like, DUH
because this whole thing revolves around them. It would make no sense
to have some one else take over the spot of sid (like kirby) because
the whole movie started because of Sids mom and all that jazz. Why
mess up that great thing? I mean, if there gonna make more i think Sid
should deff die (not Gale and Dew though) because it started with her
and i think it needs to end with her. Plus, after all the attacks shes
been through, its not like shes super human..eventually some one needs
to get her. How can she manage to escape all the killers in all of the
movies and not die. Does not sound realistic to me. Dont get me wrong
i love Sid to death but i mean this whole things about her so it
should end with her being the big talk. I think Dew and Gale should
survive and live happily. (: lol i love those two together. Sids death
should not be just some plain old stab in the stomach and BOOM shes
dead. It should be epic, crazy, unexpected, YEP. Hahaha. Tell me
your thoughts please!!
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